Why your copy and pasted text looks like $h!t

Hey Alexis, how long will it take me to implement the awesome tip that I'm about to read? Drop this handy tool into your browser bookmarks and use it every time. It takes seconds!

It usually goes a little something like this: You’re rushing to get that email out, or to post new content on your site and figure, “What’s the harm in copying and pasting this straight from the original doc and into the content management system, or email template?”

Ugh. Famous last words, my friend.

When you copy and paste text from an existing document into your CMS, there’s some invisible-to-the-naked eye formatting that comes along for the ride. The result? The pasted content makes a mess of your web page text formatting, and unless you feel like digging around the html, it’s actually pretty damn hard to undo what you’ve done. The fix? Don't mind if I do ... 

Add Mailchimp’s html to plain text converter to your favorite places. The handy, #FreeTool, essentially strips all of that invisible-to-the-naked-eye formatting from your copied text, and delivers clean text, ready to paste directly into your CMS. Be forewarned, though: it removes ALL formatting, so you'll need to put spacing, links, bold text, etc. back in manually via your wysiwyg.

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